Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Between the Buried and Me on Tour. Brutal!

Via Lambgoat

BTBAM, Veil of Maya and Animals as Leaders are going on tour in November.

I've never heard of AaL, but BTBAM are one of my favorite bands. They are one of the few bands out today who keep improving record to record. They craft epic songs that are equal parts brutality, passion and epicocity (it's a word, I swear).

And VoM are a solid Sumericancore band. Sure, the sound's a bit overplayed, but they've got some hooks.

Overall, it's a solid lineup of some young bands who have some legitimate chops.

And they aren't coming to Cincinnati.... Damnit.... Let me just request: BTBAM, please, come to Cincinnati. We need you!

I'll leave you with BTBAM's cover of Queen. Any metal band that has the balls to cover Queen, and furthermore, cover it well, get's a plus in my scorebook.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Random thought of the night

Driving home from a movie (preview of Whip It, the roller derby movie, ya pervs) I had a little revelation. I was listening to the Smashing Pumpkins greatest hits. And you know what, some metalcore, death metal or hardcore band needs to cover their music. Like right now. SP had so many heavy riffs, ready to be taken, dropped in tuning and hammered the fuck out. And now I love Billy Corgan's voice, but just imagine his lyrics being growled out to a punishing version of The Everlasting Gaze

It'd be a sick song, am I right?

Or what about Bullet With Butterfly Wings

I'd listen to the album. Hell, I'd probably buy it.

And to all you guys that are thinking "SP are a bunch of pussies!" I'll respond eloquently and kindly... "Go fuck yourself."

Now get cracking bands!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Welcome to war

Hello (soon to be) faithful readers. Name's Nick and I'll be sharing my thoughts with you, if you care to stick around. I'm a college student and have been listening to heavy music for close to 10 years now.

I'm from Cincinnati, the nasty Nati. I really think the music scene is making a comeback here, something I truely hope will happen.

I have very defined musical tastes. That's the nice way of saying I'm a musical elitist.

The goal of this blog is to keep people informed of the happenings in the musical world, and to let me blow off some steam. I mean, we music snobs need a place to vent.

Got a question, hit up the comments section. And I hope you're ready for a war.